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by: Damon Thomas



What Does God Mean?

I’ve been asked a number of times…through the years – What is your view on the authority of Scripture?

My view of Scripture and its authority is that God’s view is best. What HE says about Himself and His creation – I choose to believe it…all of it. I believe Scripture to be the only writing ever ‘created’ that is infallible and inerrant. Last week’s message dealt with the inspiration of Scripture and the Greek word that Paul used in order to explain this – theos-neustos (the spelling is more for the pronunciation). It is two Greek words joined together, forming the compound word – God-breathed. The Bible is the only writing that personally has God’s stamp of approval on it. That is because HE is The One who actually wrote it. The men who wrote Scripture were not the ‘inspired’ ones. According to 2Tim 3:16, the words they personally and supernaturally wrote down are what God personally breathed into. This helps us to better understand how fallible man could write infallible words. But we can’t stop here and say this is enough. What they wrote down was written during particular time periods. As a result, it is the duty of every God-fearing pastor and teacher to explain what God’s Word means. 

That’s why the approach that asks the ‘reader’ – “What does this passage mean to you?” is an approach that goes against the heart and intent of The One who wrote it. It does not matter what it means to me. It only matters what it means…and what it means to God. Paul wrote in one of his books – Greet each other with a holy kiss [1Cor 16:20]. Now, I don’t believe that would be acceptable in most churches today (at least here in America). Yet, it was the custom back then…and in other parts of the world it may still be acceptable. So, what do we do about this verse today? How are we to process and then apply it? Well, what is at the heart of what Paul is stating? Be brotherly…welcoming…cordial…polite – go out of your way to welcome each other. The flipside is this – Don’t be cliquey…don’t display any favoritism. 

The responsibility (duty) of every Bible teacher and communicator is to first find out what God means. Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, proclaimed – If your eye offends you…pluck it out [Mt 5:29]. Now, we better not take that one literally. Why would Jesus make such a declaration that on the surface seems to support practicing ‘self-mutilation’? This was not to be taken literally. Jesus was using hyperbole in order to make a point. There is nothing else written in Scripture about the practice of personal eye-gouging. Jesus merely meant – Stop putting yourselves in situations and places to where you are greatly tempted. 

Turn the other cheek [Mt 5:39] is another one of Jesus’ figures of speech that has been misinterpreted through the years. Is Jesus encouraging a life of being a doormat to those who seek to abuse and ridicule us? Are we supposed to allow anyone and everyone to trash us and in return say – Jesus loves you…and The Lord bless you and keep you? When I read about Paul and Peter and Stephen [in Acts 7], I definitely do not see this reflected in how they responded to those who opposed them because of their devotion to Christ. Jesus simply is dealing with the sinful response of revenge, retaliation or payback. Paul echoes this in Rom 12:19 – leave room for God’s wrath. Vengeance is His – He will repay. But if someone tries to harm us, we can and should try to defend ourselves…or anyone else who is being harmed. 

So, what does God mean? HE means what He says…and what HE has said…He means.  

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What Does God Mean?

I’ve been asked a number of times…through the years – What is your view on the authority of Scripture?

My view of Scripture and its authority is that God’s view is best. What HE says about Himself and His creation – I choose to believe it…all of it. I believe Scripture to be the only writing ever ‘created’ that is infallible and inerrant. Last week’s message dealt with the inspiration of Scripture and the Greek word that Paul used in order to explain this – theos-neustos (the spelling is more for the pronunciation). It is two Greek words joined together, forming the compound word – God-breathed. The Bible is the only writing that personally has God’s stamp of approval on it. That is because HE is The One who actually wrote it. The men who wrote Scripture were not the ‘inspired’ ones. According to 2Tim 3:16, the words they personally and supernaturally wrote down are what God personally breathed into. This helps us to better understand how fallible man could write infallible words. But we can’t stop here and say this is enough. What they wrote down was written during particular time periods. As a result, it is the duty of every God-fearing pastor and teacher to explain what God’s Word means. 

That’s why the approach that asks the ‘reader’ – “What does this passage mean to you?” is an approach that goes against the heart and intent of The One who wrote it. It does not matter what it means to me. It only matters what it means…and what it means to God. Paul wrote in one of his books – Greet each other with a holy kiss [1Cor 16:20]. Now, I don’t believe that would be acceptable in most churches today (at least here in America). Yet, it was the custom back then…and in other parts of the world it may still be acceptable. So, what do we do about this verse today? How are we to process and then apply it? Well, what is at the heart of what Paul is stating? Be brotherly…welcoming…cordial…polite – go out of your way to welcome each other. The flipside is this – Don’t be cliquey…don’t display any favoritism. 

The responsibility (duty) of every Bible teacher and communicator is to first find out what God means. Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, proclaimed – If your eye offends you…pluck it out [Mt 5:29]. Now, we better not take that one literally. Why would Jesus make such a declaration that on the surface seems to support practicing ‘self-mutilation’? This was not to be taken literally. Jesus was using hyperbole in order to make a point. There is nothing else written in Scripture about the practice of personal eye-gouging. Jesus merely meant – Stop putting yourselves in situations and places to where you are greatly tempted. 

Turn the other cheek [Mt 5:39] is another one of Jesus’ figures of speech that has been misinterpreted through the years. Is Jesus encouraging a life of being a doormat to those who seek to abuse and ridicule us? Are we supposed to allow anyone and everyone to trash us and in return say – Jesus loves you…and The Lord bless you and keep you? When I read about Paul and Peter and Stephen [in Acts 7], I definitely do not see this reflected in how they responded to those who opposed them because of their devotion to Christ. Jesus simply is dealing with the sinful response of revenge, retaliation or payback. Paul echoes this in Rom 12:19 – leave room for God’s wrath. Vengeance is His – He will repay. But if someone tries to harm us, we can and should try to defend ourselves…or anyone else who is being harmed. 

So, what does God mean? HE means what He says…and what HE has said…He means.  

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